What Box cookers can achieve


By taking a closer look these arguments can be put into perspective: Box cookers may not do everything, but they do a lot - and what they do, they do very well.

  • With box cookers, all cereals and grains such as maize, rice and millet can be cooked very well.
  • All types of vegetables develop their full flavor in the box cooker
  • All legumes such as lentils, peas and beans of all kinds taste very aromatic
  • They are suitable for all single dishes, stews, casseroles and for baking bread and cakes
  • In the box cooker all meat products develop their full flavor, simmering slowly

Only those who have tasted slowly stewed and braised food can appreciate its full and pure taste. This is why low-temperature cooking is becoming increasingly popular in Europe.

Cooking and baking takes more time in the box-cooker. But once the food is in the cooker, you do not have to worry about it for 2 to 3 hours and can attend to other work.

More Advantages the LAZOLA shares with other box cookers:


  • They only need be lined up with the moving sun after hours and can be left unattended in the meantime
  • With the cover closed, cooked food will stay warm for hours, which can prove especially important in the evening
  • They bear no danger for children
  • They do not endanger eyesight
  • They tolerate strong gusts of wind